15 May 2011

The Body Post.

So here it is, my body post. It has taken me quite a while to work up the nerve to post a full body picture, but I will. I am SO self-conscious, but I figure if this doesn't give me motivation, then what will? I'm setting a goal that by the 4th of July I will be where I want to be.

I'm currently weighing in at 114 pounds. This month last year when I lived in Florida, I was 103. I gained 11 pounds when I moved back to RI!

What the F.

So here are my target areas:
Tone and tighten tummy (hip bones please come back!)
Lose inches from hips
Tone legs a bit more
Work on upper arms
+ hopefully lose some boobage.

I mean I'm not completely horrid. But I do have a LOT of work to make myself happy.
But I'm determined. I've cut out my junk food and am noticing that my stomach is getting used to it. (I ate a piece of pizza friday and potatoes yesterday and it didn't digest, so you know how that goes). Wierd.

My exercise routine is going to continue:
Yoga - the whole week (amazing de-stresser)
Cardio - walking/ running every day (every other day is okay too)
Random exercises to throw in there

By July 4th I'll look like Malia Jones or something, haha. Just kidding, but I feel good about doing this and I can't wait to chart my progress along the way.

My goal is not exactly long term, and if it takes me longer, that's ok. I chose the date because it's my favorite holiday, and you can't look good in shorts if your ass is sagging down, right?

I'm being harsh, but I think that's necessary to succeed in a diet/ workout regimen.

If anyone else out there is getting in shape for summer and feeling unenthusiastic:
YOU CAN DO IT! It's work, but if you want it enough you can totally do it. I could definitely use some tips, so send em my way!

Here's to this journey and succeeding! Xo


Kristin said...

Good luck :) I've been "getting in shape" since March and have seen no results really. Which sucks.

Shayna Rae said...

thank you! that does suck :( hoping you see results soon!

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