27 January 2011


I can't say I like days like today. C didn't have work because of the snow, and while I love to have him home, it just screws up my weekday routine with A. When he stays home, the day just seems to drag on because currently I really have nothing else to look forward to. That plus my subconscious unwillingness to do anything productive just led to a bummer day. I managed to clean the house this morning, but couldn't work up the gusto to make a 3 part meal. I threw a ham in the oven - Sigh. I so desperately would love to go vegetarian. But with my meat loving C, I don't see this happening anytime soon. - and let it cook with hand squeezed orange juice, pineapples, and brown sugar. When it finished, it sat on the stove. I don't know where the three of our appetites have taken off to lately, but please, come back!

A is getting smarter and funnier everyday. She truly amazes me. Mothering is not an easy job, but she makes it so worthwhile. Her new thing lately is to fake laugh - "ha ha ha!" She is 14 months old and sarcastic! It has taken A awhile to show affection. Of course I know she loves me, and C. But she is so active that she never wants to be sitting. I am okay with that, it is her personality! But she has finally become content with sitting in my lap for a snuggle! I get an extraordinary amount of kisses daily. Still, A is a high needs baby, so I am so thankful to have my sling. Lately C and I have been speculating that A is going to be musically talented. She will hum to songs she likes, and click her tongue to beats of songs. It's pretty great, but C and I are both heavily influenced by music and we listen on a daily basis (instead of tv). Aah I love her <3

Lately I've been trying to find more young mamas like myself and the search has been going.. not well. I don't think I'm asking for too much, and I know I'm not the only person interested in the things I am, so whyyy is it so hard? Most of the people I know are kind of like "huh?" at some of the things I do, like making my own cleaners and babywearing, sometimes I even get downright attacked for my beliefs on vaccination and religion. I just want a friend with common interests. I think that I'm just looking in the wrong area, but where to look? The only community crunchiness I see around here would be the farmers market.. and probably a few parents on the East Side. Winter is hard because you can't just go outside and explore. *Literal sigh. C just asked "what is the matter?" haha*.  I can't wait to get outdoors, I feel like my creativity wanes in the cold weather, I get brain cabin fever.   I'm just rambling now, so until next time.. xoxo, S


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