26 January 2011


Today has been quite the day! The weather has been insane, and doesn't seem to be varying from snow much in the next week. I'm not complaining! I love the snow, and I don't mind cold weather. A must take after me because she adores the snow. Stares out the window at it, and grabs her boots! I am beyond thankful to be back in the North. The South just isn't the same. This industrial city looks like a little mountain village when it snows, cars tinkering by. I can't get enough of it. We're currently in the middle of another Nor'Easter - looking forward to tomorrow when A gets to trek through the fresh powder in our urban yard lol.

We had woken up to snow this morning. C and I were up about an hour and a half before A! I enjoy that quiet time immensely (but not as much as big bed cuddle time!). I got ready for the day, while C started to get A's things together to go with my aunt while I took my test for school.
*I'm currently trying to get into the Stepping Up Program in my state. They offer completely free education, but you have to pass a Tabe test and also have an interview before you find out if you are accepted or not. It's pretty competitive, but I have an interview! I went for the test and it was moderately easy. I flew through the reading comprehension, but math is a bit hard for me (total dyslexic). Enjoyed my walk home from Main Street in the snow, aside from there being no sidewalks! A few hours after my test I received a call from Ms. R saying that my reading was above college level, and my math was well above what they require for the program!  !!! So I have an interview on Feb4. This is the first step to completing my career goal plans, and so far so good. If I keep good grades throughout the 7 weeks of classes, I'll get to go into their CNA program. After that, well that's when I get to start my nursing courses. I'm pretty excited, I hope next friday comes fast!   

To make the day even better, my brother in law R has returned home from a long years stay in Afghanistan. C and I are overjoyed at the fact that he is home and with my little sister, A. I miss her terribly, but know how wonderful her life is going to be in her new home in Middle America. She texted me a photo of the two of them and I started to cry! So sweet to see them back together. Tell your loved ones you love them one extra time, and be thankful you don't have to go without them. <3     xoxo, S

                                                             My wonderful smelling Paper Whites!


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