Work has of course been miserably busy, I've been doing OT and coming in early, for free. Hopefully one day this year things will be decent so I don't feel guilty taking a vaca ;]
Ari is hilarious as always. She always makes me laugh, and says the funniest things. I was listening to her try to coax the cat into the other room, so I said "Ari, you can't make someone do something they don't want to do, okay?" As I heard her little feet run away, I also heard her say "noo". Hahaha
Two weekends in a row I've hung out with great people. From being at Muldowney's, to Thayer Street, to a house party; wherever I go, the common denominator is my best friend Lorena, which equals a super fun time haha.
{I don't go out nearly as much as the following depicts; it's called drunk camera-ing}
Baby toes (in dress up heels- waahh!!)
i forget why he was growling haha
last photo taken before my camera battery died
I won't even lie, I am totally one of those people at the bar who is so curious as to everyones "story". I had to get a picture of this couple; If you were at Andreas bar on Thayer on friday, and this is you, well wow. I have never seen two old adults act like thirteen year olds before. "Totally dating" haha
Two mirror pictures in one night... yes I do that.
{pbr, if you're curious ;}
my hand looks giant here!
Aahh nights in Providence. I've gotten a lot done within this time frame too though! Living room and craft room, both completed :] Ari's room is practically done, only thing left to do is go through her clothing this weekend, which I am surely dreading. Things have just been so busy, I have no time to think. I kind of like it this way.
Clean car and summer wheels outside of McInnis
tonight with my sunglasses; when Knockarounds become available in toddlers, snaggin' someee.
She is seriously a ham
Now I'll leave you with only the best collection of photographs EVER. I laughed my head off. Enjoy xoxo
I miss this
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