First band that played
Best photo of the night, Canon 50mm f/1.8 long exposure
Deer Tick!
On friday, I was supposed to see Aqualung play a set. Sadly I was tired from the night before, and the whirring lights + smoke filled room that is Twin River was not enticing to me. The night was spent laughing over Epic Mealtime skits and talking.
Saturday came too quickly, considering I had to crawl out of bed for work at 9am. Afterwards, before Gabe went to his tattoo appointment, we went for a short ride on his motorcycle- I seriously love that thing. It was chilly but refreshing. We went down a road popularly named "Res" (short for Reservoir Rd.) and hung out for a little while near the water. I ended up spending the night at home, making Banana ice cream and salted chocolate biscotti-like cookies :) Both came out great, except the ice cream is more of an Italian ice (that's okay with me!). *Recipes soon!*
Yesterday (Sunday) was a sleep late day! I took advantage of my completely empty full size bed and literally spread out for a few hours with a book. When my day finally took hold, I went on a little hike with Gabe at Joe's Rock in Wrentham, MA. It was gorgeous! We climbed to the top and took some photos. While we were up there, a man came huffing up the hill. He said to us, "6 months ago I wouldn't have been able to do this. Now look at me!" He had two knee replacements, of metal and plastic. Seeing the proud look on his face completely made my day. Anything is possible...
We came back to my apartment and hung around; Gabe made lunch for us and took a nap while I went through the weekends photos, more relaxation ensued... and then we made corn muffins! Sweet night to end a low-key weekend.
{He didn't want pictures taken haha}
Today, typical start to the week. Up late, car won't start, feeling sick at work. Oh, monday. Luckily I had and am going to have a great weekend to look forward to/ look back on. ♥
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