Yesterday after work, I picked up Ari at my aunts as usual. Earlier in the day I had decided we were going to go to Providence for the Hope Street Farmers Market, and to go eat at Nick's. My friend J came with us, but before we left the city Ari insisted (seriously) that she have milk in her bottle instead of juice. One detour to Shell later, and we were en route.
*Side note: I am the queen of putting things on my car, forgetting about it, and driving away.
So that's what happened. I made sure to grab Ari's milk, while leaving my wristlet and cell phone on the top of my car.
Fast forward 5 minutes and we're on the highway, I see something go flying and immediately I remember.
J has me pull over, on a highway bridge no less, and he trekked it back to look for my things. He returned a little while after, wristlet in hand!
Talk about relief. But there was still my cell phone missing; and me, ever the optimist, driving back to Shell complaining that it was probably ran over, stolen, etc.
Once back at Shell, I step out to see my cell phone, still sitting on the roof of my car.
Good karma? I think so.
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